is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to are eligible for maximum income and estate tax charitable deductions available for gifts to a public charity. Upon request, a copy of VNS Health’s latest financial report can be obtained by contacting the organization by phone at , by email at , by writing at , , , by writing to New York State Attorney General’s Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway, New York, New York 10271, or as stated below. Financial reports may also be viewed on the New York State Attorney General's website at https://www.charitiesnys.com.
Register for Benefit tables and tickets below.
Guest names are requested, but not required.
You may make any additional non-sponsorship or non-journal donations at the checkout page. Or Start Over to select a non-sponsorship donation only.
You may make any additional non-sponsorship or non-journal donations at the checkout page. Or Start Over to select a non-sponsorship donation only.
$350 is the non-deductible portion of each gala dinner ticket. All other contributions are fully tax-deductible as applicable by law.
Please make all payments payable to (Federal Tax ID#: 13-3189926).
For additional information contact:
John Billeci, Vice President of Special Events
T: 212.609.1565 | C: 917.566.4101 | F: 212.794.6480 | john.billeci@vnshealth.org
VNS Health 2024 Benefit
$350 is the non-deductible portion of each ticket. All other contributions are fully tax-deductible as applicable by law.
Please make all payments payable to (Federal Tax ID#: 13-3189926).
For additional information contact:
John Billeci, Vice President of Special Events
T: 212.609.1565 | C: 917.566.4101 | F: 212.794.6480 | john.billeci@vnshealth.org
VNS Health 2024 Benefit
Thursday, November 14, 2024
The Ziegfeld Ballroom
141 West 54th Street New York, NY
You're all set. A copy of your receipt will be emailed to you.
$350 is the non-deductible portion of each ticket. All other contributions are fully tax-deductible as applicable by law. Please make all payments payable to (Federal Tax ID#: 13-3189926).
For additional information contact:
John Billeci, Vice President of Special Events
T: 212.609.1565 | C: 917.566.4101 | F: 212.794.6480 | john.billeci@vnshealth.org